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Trichoderma Harzianum for soil-borne disease control

Jiang Su Cycle Bioscience is the Professional Supplier, Manufacturer & Exporter of the Trichoderma harzianum Products in China.
We are devoted to optimizing fermentation technology in the past years to produce high-activity Trichoderma spores.
Trichoderma harzianum is a microbial strain fungicide with broad spectrum. It is key to prevent a variety of diseases and pests caused by bacteria in the leaves of green plants such as vegetables and fruits, fruit trees and potted flowers, and effectively prevent downy mildew, gray mold, downy mildew, brown spot, color spot, leaf blight, brown spot, etc.
Main functions of Trichoderma harzianum:
1. Decomposition and degradation: Trichoderma harzianum is one of the strains with high cellulase activity. The cellulase produced can degrade crop straw, and can strongly decompose macromolecular organics such as crude fiber and lignin, so as to convert them into small molecules conducive to plant absorption and utilization. The effect is very good.
2. Prevention and control of a variety of crop diseases: Trichoderma has both antagonistic and protective effects on a variety of plant pathogens through production, nutritional competition, micro parasitism, cell wall decomposing enzymes and inducing plant resistance. It can effectively prevent soil borne true bacterial diseases and gray mold.
3. Competition: Trichoderma harzianum can grow rapidly around the root and leaf circumference of plants, seize the sites on the surface of plants, and form a protective cover to prevent pathogenic fungi from contacting the root and leaf surface of plants, so as to protect the roots and leaves of plants from the infection of the above pathogenic bacteria and ensure the healthy growth of plants.
4. Heavy parasitism: heavy parasitism refers to the complex process of identifying, contacting, winding, penetrating and parasitizing pathogens. After Trichoderma recognizes the host fungi, Trichoderma hyphae grow in parallel and spiral winding along the host hyphae, produce attached cellular branches, adsorb on the host hyphae, dissolve the cell wall by secreting extracellular enzymes, penetrate the host hyphae, absorb nutrients, and then kill the pathogenic bacteria.